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Roots and Wings Consulting, LLC

45 hour self-paced, online, CDE-approved English Language Development pathway for pre-K through 12th grade educators

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About Roots and Wings Consulting

What started out as a small idea to share favorite teaching strategies effective for both Multilingual Learners (MLs) and non-MLs, grew into a year of pouring my heart and mind into these courses. Reaching All Learners is a Colorado Department of Education-approved pathway for completing the 45 hour ELD requirement for license renewal. It is a great way to satisfy the entire requirement at one time without having to piece together many separate professional development courses to meet the 45 hours and eight English Learner Professional Learning Standards. Two options are available, a self-paced 100% online option that can be completed in one to four weeks, or a 100% online option to earn 3.0 semester hours of graduate level professional development credit through Adams State University.  Course may also be taken individually to supplement prior ELD professional development hours. 


When choosing a name, I wanted something meaningful. My parents raised my two brothers and me to have roots and wings, roots so I always remember my family and faith as my foundation, and wings, having the confidence to pursue any of life's opportunities and adventures.  I feel that this name is very meaningful for our MLs, as well.  By valuing our students' "roots," their unique cultures and diverse languages, and viewing them as assets to the classroom, while simultaneously using ideas and strategies from these courses, we support them with growing their "wings" as they build confidence and know that they can fully participate in any opportunity they choose. I strongly believe that these ideas and strategies are not only applicable to Multilingual Learners; they benefit all learners.


I earned an M.Ed. from UCLA with an emphasis in Spanish and Bilingual, Cross-Cultural, Language, and Academic Development, achieved National Board Certification in Literacy:  Reading-Language Arts, and have been teaching since 2000. My background is in language acquisition, culturally responsive classrooms, and urban social justice education. I have been teaching in maintenance bilingual, dual language, and ESL teaching environments in Los Angeles, Albuquerque, and South Denver since 2000.  I am currently a middle school reading teacher and ELD coordinator at a local charter school whose students speak 21 different languages. In addition to teaching middle school reading, one of my passions is working with culturally and linguistically diverse students in Title 1 urban schools, believing that their families and backgrounds are assets to classroom communities. I love what I do. My hope is that my enthusiasm and passion for teaching is contagious, and that you will love many of these strategies as much as I do.


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*All courses are self-paced, online, and CDE- approved for English Language Development professional development.


Courses include prerecorded screencasts and activities using the Google Classroom platform that participants complete at their convenience during a session.


Course 1

  • Reaching All Learners, Course 1A (2 credit hours): Topics of focus for this course are language acquisition theory, language learning, affective filters, deficit thinking, and comprehensible input as they relate to first and second language acquisition and literacy development. This course meets 5.10(2) and 5.11(1) for the ELL PD Standards Matrix (formerly known as Quality Standards 5.13(2) and 5.14(1)).​


  • Reaching All Learners, Course 1B (13 credit hours):  Topics of focus are culturally relevant classrooms, literacy development, BICS vs. CALP, context-embedded vs. context-reduced curriculum, language and identity, academic language building strategies, authentic assessment questions, interpreting ACCESS scores and Can Do Descriptors, and vocabulary tiers.  This course meets Quality Standards 5.09(1), 5.10(2), 5.11(1), and 5.12(1) for the ELL PD Standards Matrix (formerly known as Quality Standards 5.12(1), 5.13(2), 5.14(1), and 5.15(1)).


Course 2

  • Reaching All Learners, Course 2C: (2 credit hours)  Topics of focus are using Bloom's Taxonomy to create critical thinking questions, creating and using concept boards to make academic information meaningful, differentiation, and scaffolding. This course meets Quality Standards 5.09(2) and 5.10(1) for the ELL PD Standards Matrix (formerly known as Quality Standards 5.12(2) and 5.13(1)).


  • Reaching All Learners, Course 2D (13 credit hours): Topics of focus are language, equity, and culture, meaningful vocabulary building, language- rich learning environments, using Bloom's Taxonomy to differentiate instruction, word/ concept sorts, and literacy development. Educators will also examine the value of pre-teaching content and vocabulary, think alouds, modeling, and strategies to help students visually organize information, adding "tools to their tool belt" as they take ownership for learning. This course meets Quality Standards 5.09(1), 5.10(1), and 5.11(2) for the ELL PD Standards Matrix (formerly known as Quality Standards 5.12(1), 5.13(1), and 5.14(2)).


Course 3

  • Reaching All Learners, Course 3E (2 credit hours): Topics of focus are classroom communities, funds of knowledge, building oracy and writing skills through a "language lens," and S.M.A.R.T. goal setting (pre-assessments, exemplars, creating rubrics, and self- assessment). This course meets Quality Standards 5.12(1) and 5.12(2) for the ELL PD Standards Matrix (formerly known as Quality Standards 5.15(1) and 5.15(2)).


  • Reaching All Learners, Course 3F (13 credit hours): Topics of focus are backwards planning, creating scaffolds, developing language and critical thinking skills, color coding, shared writing, and the "I do, we do, you do" approach.  This course meets Quality Standards 5.09(2), 5.12(1) and 5.12(2) for the ELL PD Standards Matrix (formerly known as Quality Standards 5.12(2), 5.15(1) and 5.15(2)).


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Adams State University

As an additional option, participants may choose to earn 3.0 semester hours of graduate level professional development credit, documented on a transcript through ASU.  As per ASU, "These hours will not apply to a Master's degree program.  These are strictly professional development credit courses which can potentially be used for relicensure or movement on district pay scales."  


The cost is the same individual/ group rate x 45 credit hours (equivalent to 3.0 semester hours) + ASU's fee of $55/ semester credit hour, or $165.


A spring/summer session will be open March 1- July 31, 2025. Please email me at if you would like more information and/or if you would like to sign up for this option.

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Group Rate (Individuals from a school site)

​1-2 participants:  $10/ person per credit hour

3-4 participants:  $9/ person per credit hour

5+ participants:  $8/ person per credit hour

*For school groups, please contact me.


Individual Rate

$10/ person per credit hour   (If you have an individual rate and additional educators sign up from your school site, qualifying for a group rate, either during the same session or a later session, you will receive a refund for the difference between the individual and the group rate.)


Adams State University (3.0 hours of graduate level professional development credit):  individual/ group rate x 45 credit hours (equivalent to 3.0 semester hours) + ASU's fee of $55 per each of three semester credit hours ($165)


Participants will receive one of the following:

      1.  a CDE certificate of completion for finishing the full 45 hours through the Reaching All                      Learners pathway,


      2.  a certificate of completion from Roots and Wings per individual Reaching All Learners

          course to submit to CDE when renewing license


      3.  a transcript listing the 3.0 semester hour (graduate level professional development credit)

          Reaching All Learners course, sent directly from Adams State University



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Contact Information

Anny Gamlin

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"This course is very professional and extremely thorough with loads of great strategies to implement in your classroom right away! I learned so much and gained incredible insight into the mind of an ELL."

"Love going at my own pace"

"I really appreciate the intertwining of strategies and philosophies that support being strong teachers of ELL students."

"I feel like I am bursting with awesome new ideas to incorporate in my classroom that will benefit all of my students, not just my ELLs!"

"You do an amazing job of delivering the content in a way that is accessible for busy professionals."

"...I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one. I felt that they provided real examples and strategies that I can implement in my classroom tomorrow...These strategies are also beneficial to all of my students in my class, not just EL students. The assignments were relevant, and I used many concepts and subjects that I actually cover in my classroom."

"These courses do a fantastic job of setting forth essential concepts for EL instruction supported by practical examples and opportunities to practice."

"This course offered a variety of effective strategies for reaching all learners. The focus on scaffolding and constantly evaluating where students are at in their learning was invaluable."

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Please email me at, and I would be happy to send additional information and answer any questions. I will need the following in order to sign up for a session:  name as it should appear on a certification of completion, @gmail email address (not associated with a school domain), school district name (if applicable), school site name (if applicable), a 2nd way to contact you (address or phone number), course title(s), and date preference(s). 

What are my course options?


The 45 hour Reaching All Learners pathway is self-paced, online, and participants generally complete it in one to four weeks. Each course is comprised of prerecorded screencasts and online activities that participants complete at their convenience during the session. The courses are designed to be sequential; however, they can easily be completed separately to supplement prior ELD professional development.


There is an additional option of earning 3.0 semester hours of graduate level professional development credit through Adams State University.

How long does it take to complete the 45 hour pathway? 

The 45 hour online option may be completed within one to four weeks, depending upon the pace that participants choose.

Which forms of payment are accepted?


I accept checks made out to Roots and Wings Consulting, Zelle, and Venmo (+1.9% + $0.10 fee by Venmo for goods and services).

When is payment due?


Payment is due within 30 days of the course end date. 

What do I need to begin the course?


Each participant will need a Gmail account (@gmail) to connect to our Google Classroom site for the courses using the provided Classroom code.  School emails will not work for Google Classroom because the Reaching All Learners pathway is not connected to the school district. All resources will be included on the site, including site links, handouts, and the screencasts.

Are the courses sequential?

Yes, the courses are designed to be taken in order. Participants may complete the full 45 hours or choose individual courses, all of which are CDE-approved. Please see Courses for details.

Can I take individual courses without completing the full 45 hour program?

Yes. Participants may complete the full 45 hours or choose individual courses, which are also CDE-approved, to add to prior professional development so that all eight English Learner Professional Development Standards are met.

What will I receive upon completion of a course?

As per the Colorado Department of Education, participants completing the full 45 hours will receive a CDE certification of completion.  Participants completing individual courses, but not all 45, will receive a Reaching All Learners course certificate from Roots and Wings Consulting that you will turn in to the Colorado Department of Education for license renewal along with the EL Professional Learning Matrix. Participants completing the course for 3.0 semester hours of graduate level PD credit through Adams State University will be sent a transcript directly from ASU, listing the course.

How will I know if my answers demonstrate understanding of the concepts and ideas at a high level of proficiency?


All answers must be thorough and well thought out, earning a Proficient or Advanced score according to the grading rubric included in our Google Classroom site.  Roots and Wings Consulting will contact a participant privately up to three times using the email provided if s/he earns a Progressing or Beginning Steps score for any assignment, giving opportunities to correct answers prior to issuance of a certificate of completion. After three attempts, the participant will not receive credit for the course.

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